IDEAM carries out its training services within the framework of the following programs.
Case Studies Training: This program is aimed at providing and improving the ability to apply their theoretical knowledge to real life problems, after having sufficient knowledge of statistical methods based on theoretical knowledge in the field of Statistics, for a limited part of the students of the Faculty of Science, Statistics Department of our University, which is a stakeholder of IDEAM.
This short-term training course covers case studies based on real problems using data from fields such as Medicine, Engineering, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Economics, Finance, Sociology, and provides the student with the ability to summarize the problem, convert the problem into statistical language, and solve it with appropriate methods in the computer environment. I also provides professional reporting skills of solution results.
Modular Statistics Training: These are short-term training programs within the thematic framework of statistical methods frequently used by researchers and whose target audience is researchers from within and outside the university.
Statistical Software and Programming Training: It is a short-term modular training program that the target population is practitioners inside and outside the university that includes softwares used in statistical analysis and coding tools such as R, Python, Matlab.
Special Trainings: This is the training program on statistical methods and analysis tools to be organized in line with the special demands of the public and private sectors.
On-the-Job (Internship) Training: The target population of the program is 3rd and 4th year students studying in and outside the university in fields such as statistics and econometrics. It is a 1-month training and work program in IDEAM, which is an internship.
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